You never compromise on the skincare schedule, but are you one of them who try to skip those rules and regulations when it points to your hair care? It is understandable because it is very difficult to find a middle ground between dry, brittle and oily lifeless hair. Washing too much can dry out your hair, and if you don’t wash it up, it becomes oily and lifeless. It might be so annoying to decide whether it’s the S-day, or you can pull it up in a ponytail for one more day. Understanding your scalp mood seems a bit confusing, after all, it’s all covered with hair! However, the decision will make a difference between brittle and luscious hair. So, hold on to your pen and notebook to make an effective hair care routine in a 100% organic way with Deyga Organics:
There is a significant reason behind the story of how often should you wash your hair. The Scalp mood/type is the most crucial part you should note down to answer the tricky question. Let’s spill the truth behind scalp moods:



A dry scalp indicates an unhealthy scalp. This might be a result of overwashing. Overuse of shampoo can take off the natural oil barrier of the scalp allowing the bacteria a playground. Your scalp needs the natural sebum to self-lubricate itself to maintain its health. Depending on the thickness of your hair, schedule a shampooing session, once in 3 days to a week. However, waiting for a long time can invite bacteria, making it hard for your scalp to hold on to the shaft.
Quick tips to create a blank slate for the dry/flaky scalp: once a week give your scalp a thorough cleansing session with Deyga’s 100% pure and organic Tea tree essential oil, take a break from heating tools, and switch hot shower to lukewarm water shower.


An oily scalp can be hard to handle if not treated properly. It is often associated with greasy and dirty hair. However, it can be managed in a way to give you a matte finish look while marinating the natural sebum. People with oily hair should wash their hair every couple of days and can be extended to 5 days only if monitored properly. This scalp type can also raise a case of concern as the excessive oil traps dirt in the hair follicles and provides the bacteria with a suitable environment to grow.
Pro tip: Washing just the roots will allow the shampoo to make its own way down without stripping off all the natural oil.


Itchy scalp is one of the trickiest types of scalp mood, and it can navigate itself with irritating and unbearable itchiness. What makes it the trickiest type? You have to thoroughly clean your scalp without drying it up.
Effective tip: The key to managing the painful flare-ups are- use normal room temperature water to wash your hair along with a dollop of shampoo. Schedule your wash routine every 3-5 days, which will help your scalp to repair and rebuild irritated skin.
As your skin needs suitable skincare products and a maintainable routine, your hair deserves the same. You are the only true determiner for your hair care routine because understanding your hair type is the most valuable step towards your hair. To ease your confusion about where to get effective and efficient shampoo, Deyga’s Coconut Milk Shampoo Bar has landed. The luxurious Shampoo Bar contains coconut milk, coconut oil, shikakai, amla, bhringraj, and soapnut. The 100% organic elements make your hair frizz-free, smooth and also repair damaged hair. Visit the official website of Deyga Organics to get a retreat for your hair from the 100% pure and natural Coconut Milk Shampoo Bar.

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