Deyga Organics supports the excellent theory of Ayurveda that speaks of the goodness of nature’s wonder ingredients along with the tremendous ancient techniques that are potent enough to heal even the chronic diseases with ease.
Ayurveda suggests a body care routine that’s free of harsh chemicals, packed with nutrients of natural ingredients and efficient enough to clean the entire system of the body through and through. The following are the steps you need to perform at least once in a month to ensure the proper cleansing routine which is a prerequisite to maintain the healthy functioning of your body inside and out. These steps will not only help you rejuvenate your skin and hair but also keep you in the pink of health always.
• ‘Abhyanga’ or ‘Body Massage’ : Ayurveda recommends body massage as one of the most essential techniques to maintain strength and make your skin glowing. Just take some cold pressed natural oil as per your choice and double heat it for a few seconds. Then massage your entire body with this oil. The technique has a special importance of direction. It should be done in the direction of ‘towards the heart’. If you massage your legs, do it upwards and likewise for the other parts of the body.
Benefits: Proper Blood Circulation, Glowing Skin, Strong Muscles and Bones.
• Fun Time For Feet : The most neglected part of our body are feet. In our busy lives, we barely get time to care for them but they deserve relaxation and care alike other parts of the body.
Take some hot water in a bucket and sprinkle some salt into it. You can also pour some pink salt in it. Now, dip your feet into water for 15-20 minutes and rub your feet with a pumice stone or an old toothbrush.
Benefits: Dead skin free Feet, Core Relaxation, Good For Eye Sight (four major nerves of eyes are directly connected to the sole of feet and rubbing them generates a healthy blood circulation into those nerves).
• Hair Pack : A natural hair pack is also on the list. You can use one from Deyga instilled with hair care nutrients or just take some spur curd and apply it onto your hair.
Benefits: Shiny and Sleek Hair, Dandruff Free Scalp, Reduced Hair fall.
• Face Pack : Although this one should be done at least once in a week for better results as our face is exposed to outside pollution every day. However, Ayurveda also speaks of it as an crucial part of body care. Just take some gram flour, 1 tbsp. sour curd, a pinch of turmeric and 2-3 tbsp. rose water. Make a paste and apply onto face, keep it for 15-20 minutes and rinse. You can also choose from Deyga’s wide variety of face packs which are purely handcrafted and natural.
Benefits: Acne and Dark Spot Free Glowing and Clear Skin.
• Body Scrub : Alike our face, our body is also exposed to many pollutants which draw a sheet of dirt accumulated on the upper layer of skin. However we don’t pay much heed to it due to our fast paced lives.
Deyga’s Body scrubs are the best natural exfoliators that will kick out the dirt while soothing your skin in the most caring way. You can also go for a quick home remedy like lemon and sugar for the same to make your skin breathe right.
Benefits: Unclogged Pores, Shiny and Healthy Skin.
Besides, Ayurveda strongly supports ancient techniques like ‘Gandusha’ or Oil Pulling (on daily basis), ‘Naasya’ (dripping oil in the nostrils) and Consumption of Satvik Food for purifying the core of your body from within and living a healthier lifestyle.
No matter how busy your life is, caring for yourself should always hit your priority list. Make sure you check on your health at least once in a month to match all the standards of a healthy living.
With your love, Deyga is now available as an app. You can avail flat 25% off on your first purchase from the app. Buy your self care products today to transform for good! Ciao!