
A great addition to salads and sandwhiches, this juicy fruit is beneficial for skin and hair. We have been working with olives and olive oil in our formulations to bring you nourishment and care.
History: The word "olive" derives from Latin Olivia. Olives were found in the Mediterranean Basin. Cultivated in Portugal, Argentina, Saudi Arabia, Java, Norfolk Island, California, and Bermuda.
Parts Used: Olive fruit is used in our formulations.
Composition: The main constituents of olive flesh are water (60–75%) and lipids (10–25%).Olives have lower sugar content (2–5%) and a higher oil content than drupes.
Scientific name: Olea europaea
Olives maintain the softness of skin and hair. It stimulates the growth of thicker, longer, and stronger hair. It reduces the appearance of aging, such as premature wrinkles and fine lines. It eliminates dandruff and thereby supports hair growth.