Melatonin, also known as the "sleep hormone," plays an important role in the body's sleep-wake cycle. Its production rises as the sun sets later in the evening, supporting restful sleep and assisting in the synchronisation of our circadian clock. Poor sleep can have serious implications, despite being a common problem. Sleep deprivation can sap your vitality, reduce your productivity, and raise your risk of diseases like hypertension and diabetes. Melatonin is a hormone that signals to your body that it's time to sleep. It's also grown popular among folks who have difficulties sleeping.
Keep reading to learn the mechanism of melatonin.


Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland, a pea-sized gland in the upper-middle part of the brain. Its job is to tell the body when it's time to sleep and when it's time to get up. It accomplishes this by raising the amount of melatonin in your system as the sun sets (around 9–10 pm, the level is at its peak, so it's easy to fall asleep at that time), making you sleepy, and reducing the amount of melatonin in your system as the sun rises, assisting you in waking up.
It is well-known that you produce the most melatonin when you're about three years old and that it gradually diminishes as you get older. During sleep, people over the age of 70 have about a fourth of the quantity of melatonin that teens have.


Melatonin is a hormone that acts in tandem with your body's natural clock. Your body's internal clock is known as the "circadian rhythm." It tells you when it's time to sleep, wake, and eat.

Melatonin is also involved in the regulation of body temperature, blood pressure, and hormone levels. When it gets dark outside, melatonin levels rise in your body, signalling that it's time to sleep. It can also help you relax by binding to receptors in your body. Melatonin, for example, binds to brain receptors to assist in lowering nerve activity. It may lower dopamine levels, a hormone that aids in staying alert. It also plays a part in your eyes' day-night cycle.
Low melatonin levels in the evening can be caused by several circumstances. Melatonin production is affected by stress, smoking, exposure to too much light at night, lack of natural light during the day, shift work, and ageing.


If you find difficulty in falling asleep, you can rely on aromatherapy with lavender essential oil. Deyga’s Lavender Essential Oil allows you to experience 100% purity. Build your own empire of stress-free and nerve-soothing environments with Deyga’s Lavender Essential Oil. It's a well-known, relaxing smell. To guarantee a restful night's sleep, massage a few drops of this gently acting oil into your feet, neck, and chest before bed. Many people have discovered that lavender oil can help people overcome insomnia as well as sleep apnea and snoring.

Spot this amazing insomnia treatment at the official website of Deyga Organics.